Remuera courtyard garden
This compact front yard garden is fully exploited to create a surprising diversity of elements and materials and a close interaction of hard landscape with planting. The house is Arts and Crafts in style and the garden design was influenced by both the arts and crafts period of gardening (with generous use of perennials in a naturalistic way) and the careful control of form and attention to quality detailing and natural materials typical of the Japanese traditions.
It is a garden that celebrates the seasons with a continuous succession of winter and spring bulbs, early flowering cherry "Awanui' and fragrant Michelias simultaneously with deep blue bugle, followed later by mid- and late-summer perennials of vibrant colour, such as Hesperantha and Echinacea. It is a paradise for pollinating insects with flowers they love such as Salvia, Ajuga, Echinacea, Kniphofia and Eryngium.
Left: The approach to the main entry is carefully offset