Design stages - typical drawings
This selection of drawings illustrates the typical, main stages of the design process. Note that the illustrations are not all for the same project.
Survey and sketch: The process starts with discussion the client, a site survey and then an initial sketch of design ideas for further discussion.
Design concept or masterplan: This draft stage is followed by the design concept or masterplan, a layout plan illustrated with photos of similar materials, design solutions and sketches of what is proposed.
Detailed design: The design concept provides an agreed design which can then be detailed with specific construction methods, materials and plant selections. This usually takes the form of construction detail drawings and planting plans which can be used to obtain quotes for the work and to explain how the garden is to be constructed and planted.
Project management: We can manage the construction and planting by skilled experienced landscapers. We provide a full explanation of the design and build process for our clients so they can agree an approach which best suits their needs. Often clients want part of the concept or masterplan implemented, at least to begin with, or to carry it out in stages over a period of time.
Some of the project case studies in this website also include a selection of drawings which were used for that project.
Left: A quick sketch plan of design ideas for a suburban garden with very limited space and a steep level change from ground floor to boundary, for discussion with the client